A logo for firepeak media with a mountain in the middle


We need Contributor Access in order to point your domain name (ex. www.firepeakmedia.com) to your new website once we complete it.

FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW to invite us to be a contributor on squarespace:

  1. Log in to your Squarespace Account
  2. Open the Permissions & Ownership panel and click Invite Contributor
  3. Once you are in the Invite Contributor window, enter the contributor's name (Wendhy Jeffers) and email address. (team.firepeakmedia@gmail.com)
  4. Switch the toggles to give the contributor permissions based on how they'll contribute. You can give them permissions of all other roles by switching the administrator toggle on, or pick and choose among multiple permissions.
  5. Click Invite to send your invitation.
  6. Once you do the above, we will receive an email invitation asking us to log into our Squarespace account. Once we accept it, we will be able to access your domain!

Please reach out with any questions or concerns. We are here to help!

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